EoP delivers CPD Training on ‘Moral Distress’

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Between April -June 2019, EoP delivered CDP training modules on ‘Moral Distress’ to hospices across the East of England (St Helena, Colchester; St Francis, Romford; St Lukes, Basildon; Arthur Rank, Cambridge). These modules have been highly rated by staff across a wide range of roles within the hospice setting. For more details, or if you would like to register your interest, see: https://powerlessness.essex.ac.uk/moral-distress

GREEN PAPER – Addiction as Powerlessness? Choice, Compulsion, and 12-Step Programmes


In this Green Paper we shall provide an overview of the difficulties involved not only in responding effectively to addiction but in understanding the nature of the condition. In particular, we shall focus our attention on a major question in the literature: to what extent, if at all, are addicts disempowered by their addiction?